Unable to load default SVN client

While installing the subversion plugin Subclipse in the Eclipse IDE I came across a problem. Subclipse uses "JavaHL (JNI)" to interface with subversion by default.

Initially I was getting the following error message when accessing Windows->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Interface dropdown:
JavaHL (JNI) Not Available

When attempting to view a repository via the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective I got a different error message:
Unable to load default SVN client

So I installed the below package
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java

Still the problem continued and I realized that I need to provide the liberary to Eclipse (3.6 Helios)

I choose to set the path to the JavaHL libraries via a command line argument. I accomplished this by setting my Launcher icon for Eclipse to use the command

/path/to/eclipse -vmargs -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/jni

Another option is to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the /usr/lib/jni in your .profile file. Add the below line:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/lib/jni'

Once that was done I was able to set the SVN repository successfully. But one last challenge was left. When I was browsing the repository, It was continuously asking me for the password. Somehow Eclipse keyring was not able to store the password.

To resolve this I changed the SVN Interface setting in Windows->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Interface dropdown from JavaHL to SVNKit and finally it all worked.


  1. Thanks.. the last bit on setting to SVNKit did the trick.

  2. Thanks. very helpful


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