
Showing posts from December, 2012

PaaS : Cloud Application Platforms

Cloud is having a thunderstorm these days. All the buzzbowrds related to cloud are raining everywhere and Cloud in itself is sweeping IT in all facets. I have no intentions of creating further confusion by "Cloud Application Platform". The sole intension is to put my perspective ( with comments and deviations most welcomed ). Slight flashback When we start reading about cloud, everyone comes accross 3 "is-a-Service". Iaas (Infrasructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). IaaS  - Model in which hardware infrastucture is rented out by the Infrastructure provider and charged as per usage. In this case the user would not want to maintain the physical infrastructure itself. SaaS  - Model in which applications are hosted by a provider or a vendor and made available over a network. It can be considered as the next level of IaaS PaaS  - It can be considered as the middle path of IaaS and PaaS. It is not a finished produc ...