
Showing posts from 2012

PaaS : Cloud Application Platforms

Cloud is having a thunderstorm these days. All the buzzbowrds related to cloud are raining everywhere and Cloud in itself is sweeping IT in all facets. I have no intentions of creating further confusion by "Cloud Application Platform". The sole intension is to put my perspective ( with comments and deviations most welcomed ). Slight flashback When we start reading about cloud, everyone comes accross 3 "is-a-Service". Iaas (Infrasructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). IaaS  - Model in which hardware infrastucture is rented out by the Infrastructure provider and charged as per usage. In this case the user would not want to maintain the physical infrastructure itself. SaaS  - Model in which applications are hosted by a provider or a vendor and made available over a network. It can be considered as the next level of IaaS PaaS  - It can be considered as the middle path of IaaS and PaaS. It is not a finished produc ...

REST Design Pattern and Best Practices

There is lot of material available on net about the REST design pattern and REST way of services but still to get started you need to read a few before you could make a call. I have tried to summarize my beginning to make it easier for others. REST: The Style of Architecture REST ( REpresentation State Transfer) is the way the whole web is organized. Web is a collection of resources which can be identified with a URI which are globally identifiable. People do struggle to define REST. One wrong statement is "REST is a communication Protocol". REST is not protocol; it is just a style of software architecture for distributed system. REST style of Architecture shows following characteristics: As opposed to the procedure based approach of SOAP, REST follows the action based approach to act on a resource. The actions can be described in the form of four verbs: (In HTTP world these are referred to as Methods. T...

Application logging through SLF4J : Quick Reference

The detailed information on SLF4J is available on . The primary reason of writing the blog is that there is lot of information but usually people do not have the time to do into the details, hense a quick reference is required to get it going. So I would be trying to put forward all the important aspects. The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, e.g. java.util.logging, log4j and logback, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. Reason The obvious next question was that this is what JCL (Jakarta Commons Logging: ) is all about. Why was the need for another facade? SLF4J does answer to few of drawbacks but there is no specific answer to why JCL was not modified. The drawbacks which are taken care as part of SLF4J are: Parameterized log messages solve an important problem associated with logging performance. Mark...